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- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use Debian::DictionariesCommon q(:all);
- use Debconf::Client::ConfModule q(:all);
- use Getopt::Long;
- dico_checkroot ();
- my $rebuild = '';
- my $ignoresymlinks = '';
- GetOptions ('rebuild' => \$rebuild,
- 'ignore-symlinks' => \$ignoresymlinks);
- version ('2.0');
- my $class = "ispell";
- my $libdir = "/usr/lib/ispell";
- my $question = "dictionaries-common/default-$class";
- my $iquestion = "dictionaries-common/invalid_debconf_value";
- my $linkdir = "/etc/dictionaries-common";
- my $manual = '';
- my $program = "update-default-$class";
- my $debug = 1 if exists $ENV{'DICT_COMMON_DEBUG'};
- my $newflag = "/var/cache/dictionaries-common/flag-$class-new";
- # -- Ispell only stuff
- my $emacsen_default = "nil";
- my $cache_dir = "/var/cache/dictionaries-common";
- my $emacsen_default_file = "$cache_dir/emacsen-ispell-default.el";
- my $ispell_dicts_list = "$cache_dir/ispell-dicts-list.txt";
- # -- End of ispell only stuff
- # This flag is intended for remove-default-$class. If we are here we do not
- # need it any longer, so we reset for future apt runs by cleaning it.
- if ( -f $newflag ){
- print STDERR "$program: Removing $newflag\n" if $debug;
- unlink $newflag
- or print STDERR " $program: Warning: could not remove $newflag\n";
- }
- ($ret, $value) = get ($question);
- if ($ret == 0 && $value ){
- updatedb ($class);
- my $dictionaries = loaddb ($class);
- # Set value to Manual if no elements are present for given class
- unless ( %$dictionaries ) {
- print STDERR "$program: No $class elements installed. Manual forced\n" if $debug;
- $value = "Manual forced (No $class elements installed)";
- set($question,$value);
- go();
- }
- # Check if we are in manual mode
- if ( $value =~ m/^Manual.*/i ){
- $ignoresymlinks = "yes";
- $manual = "yes";
- }
- if ( not $ignoresymlinks ) {
- # Handle invalid debconf values
- if ( not exists $dictionaries->{$value} ){
- my @available_keys = ();
- foreach ( split (/\s*,\s*/, metaget ($question, "choices")) ){
- # strip leading/trailing whitespace and create a list of available keys
- s/^\s+//;
- s/\s+$//;
- push (@available_keys,$_) if ( exists $dictionaries->{$_} );
- }
- my $choices = join (', ', sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} @available_keys);
- my $forced_key = $available_keys[0] ||
- die "Selected ispell dictionary:\n" .
- " $value \n" .
- "does not correspond to any installed package in the system\n" .
- "and no alternative ispell dictionary could be selected.\n";
- subst($iquestion,"value",$value);
- fset ($iquestion,"seen","false");
- input("high",$iquestion); # Warn about what happened
- subst ($question, "choices", $choices); # Put sane values in debconf choices field
- subst ($question, "echoices", $choices); # Put sane values in debconf echoices field
- set ($question, $forced_key); # Set debconf value to a sane one
- fset ($question,"seen","false");
- input ("critical", $question);
- title ("dictionaries-common: ispell dictionaries");
- go ();
- ($ret, $value) = get ($question);
- die "\n Could not get a valid value for debconf question:\n" .
- "$question\n"
- if ( $ret != 0 ); # This should never be reached
- }
- # Check if links are possible and complain otherwise
- if ( exists $dictionaries->{$value}{"hash-name"} ){
- my $hash = "$libdir/" . $dictionaries->{$value}{"hash-name"};
- foreach my $i (".hash", ".aff") {
- if (-e "$hash$i") {
- system "ln -fs $hash$i $linkdir/default$i";
- } else {
- die "
- When trying to make the default link to a ispell dictionary
- the file to link [$hash$i] was not found. Please report this as a bug to the
- maintainer of the ispell dictionary package you tried to
- select.
- In the meantime select other default value for your ispell dictionary.\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- die "Selected ispell dictionary:\n" .
- " $value \n" .
- "does not contain a hash name entry in the database.\n";
- }
- }
- # This here is only for ispell, not wordlist
- setsysdefault ($value);
- # Printing a plain list with installed ispell dictionaries,
- open (IDICTS,"> $ispell_dicts_list") ||
- die "Could not open $ispell_dicts_list for writing\n";
- foreach ( sort keys %{$dictionaries} ){
- print IDICTS "$_\n";
- }
- close (IDICTS);
- # Write ispell default dict for emacsen
- unless ( $manual ){
- if ( exists $dictionaries->{$value}{"emacs-display"}
- and lc($dictionaries->{$value}{"emacs-display"}) eq "no" ){
- $emacsen_default = "nil";
- } elsif ( exists $dictionaries->{$value}{"emacsen-name"} ){
- $emacsen_default = "\"" . $dictionaries->{$value}{"emacsen-name"} . "\"";
- } elsif( exists $dictionaries->{$value}{"hash-name"} ){
- $emacsen_default = "\"" . $dictionaries->{$value}{"hash-name"} . "\"";
- }
- }
- #
- }
- # Printing the default ispell dictionary under emacs
- open (EMISDEFAULT,"> $emacsen_default_file");
- print EMISDEFAULT ";; File automatically generated by update-default-ispell
- ;;
- ;; Do not manually edit!! Use select-default-ispell script instead
- (set-variable \'debian-ispell-dictionary $emacsen_default)\n";
- if ($rebuild) {
- updatedb ($class);
- # Ispell emacsen + jed support
- build_emacsen_support ();
- build_jed_support ();
- build_squirrelmail_support ();
- system ("ispell-autobuildhash") == 0
- or die "Error running ispell-autobuildhash\n";
- # End of specific ispell support
- }
- # Local Variables:
- # perl-indent-level: 2
- # End:
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- update-default-ispell - update default ispell dictionary
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- update-default-ispell [--rebuild] [--ignore-symlinks]
- WARNING: Not to be used from the command line unless you know very well what you are doing.
- This program is intended to be called from package postinst
- (with B<--rebuild>), from B<select-default-ispell> or
- from dictionaries-common
- postinst (with B<--ignore-symlinks>).
- Reads the system default from the debconf database and set default links in
- F</etc/dictionaries-common> pointing to the appropriate files in
- F</usr/lib/ispell/>. Also
- updates the system-wide setting F</etc/dictionaries-common/ispell-default>.
- If option B<--rebuild> is given, rebuilds the
- F</var/cache/dictionaries-common/ispell.db>
- and the emacsen, jed, and SquirrelMail support (to be put in
- F</var/cache/dictionaries-common/>) from the files in
- F</var/lib/dictionaries-common/ispell>
- =head1 OPTIONS
- --rebuild Rebuild database, emacsen and jed stuff
- --ignore-symlinks Do not set symlinks
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- The dictionaries-common policy document
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Rafael Laboissiere
- =cut